Saturday, July 25, 2009


The funny thing about Subang ppl is that the network each person has is astonishingly wide.Just last Friday,Yih Shan ajaked me and Pav to come for lunch at Asia Cafe,unfortunately,only i could come,along with Wei Zheng and Jonathan.

There we met up with Chooi Si and Angela Lim as well.Heres the funny part.

Angela is Yih Shans ''seniour'' in A Levels since she started the course 6 months earlier,Pavitras good friend back in secondary school and even funnier was the fact that she was Chooi Si's "best friend" way back in secondary school.This was not to my knowledge as the whole time i only thought the ties were between Pavitra and Yih Shan.

So yeah,i met Angela,who was Pavitras good friend and whom Pavitra now is my ''girlfriend'' who just met Chooi Si during sports day in which Chooi Si was my classmate during Form 4 and 5 and Angela has ties with both of'em and i dont recall a single flash of memory in which Angela was involved during my primary school years.Awkward...

On another note,Jonathan Tan (My classmate in Form 6) knows David who is a friend of Chooi Si's.Networking is fun!!

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