Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The value of optimism and keeping it simple

Seriously,i think im that kinda guy by nature.

Ive realized for quite awhile now that no matter what i do,i cant seem to find myself in complicated or stressful situations.Not that im complaining or anything but somehow life almost always ends up pretty simple for me,(No its not the conclusion from that quiz i took on FB).And when i try to complicate things,i just do so because i get bored of the simpleness XD

Maybe its the way i think or something,ah well,perhaps thats why i seem serious at times? Because i revert into "simple" mode,meaning i dont say much because "all is good".Haha

If i were asked about my "darkest hour" id probably not give any answer because i dont think i had ever let any bad situation over get to me so deep.Is that a good thing?Lol i guess its my uncanny ability to always find pick myself up no matter how bleak the situation.

Call me crazy if you want,but thats me.Dont get me wrong,i can crap bout alot of stuff (Just read my older posts) but deep down,id always LOVE it when things are viewed at with simplicity and optimism =D

Owh yeah,heres poem i composed,not a very good poet though,i just crap my mind out,like alot of other things in life!

A Womans Love
A womans love,
is like the ocean of blue,
deep as it can be,
fluctuating at its surface from time to time,
yet always true to its form.

A womans love,
its when she seeks your warmth,
for only that comforts her.

Its when she holds your hand,
knowing she'd be safe.

Its when she looks into your eyes,
and shows you her soul.

Its when she puts you first,
because you know what she's worth.

Her spirit is lifted high,
and the world around her becomes secondary,
Her heart flusters with passionate fire,
as she tears down her walls...
removes her mask...

And in the end,
she'd let her guard down,
and grant that envious right,
to no other but only one..

treasure what you have,do not take it for granted,
because in your hand,
lies a willing heart,
a kind spirit,
and a fireful soul,
A womans love..

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