Before i start,i just wanna say sorry,because i dont make it a habit to upload my pics on my blog,youre gonna have to check them out on my Facebook profile,but for this case,ill pass you the link to the VBS site,most of the pics are there:
If there was one thing that id cherish the most this year,its gotta be the Vacation Bible School (VBS) which i volunteered for.I joined with little expectation of what is to come,but WOW,how surprised i was! It was really fun that i was part of this amazing event which saw me help out in class lessons in the morning and recreation in the afternoon.
Since im kinda having a writers block now,i shall blabber in point form:
1.THE KINDERGARDEN KIDS ARE LIKE SOOOOOOO CUUUUTTTEEE!!! XD Seriously,they were so small and playful with that cute kiddy voice and huge eyes.When they were playing games for recreation,they were always so responsive and playful! Especially during the water games,instead of avoiding wetness,they DELVED in it! XD If i had a voice recorder of their responses to the REC team,it WILL melt your heart!! hahaha~
2.VBS,to some extent is potentially extremely exhausting,maybe i cant blame myself because ive chosen to do double sessions (Morning and afternoon) So imagine staying in church from 7:30 in the morning until 6:30 in the evening,yeah.On the 3rd day of the whole thing,i was practically half-asleep the whole day through which forced me to sleep at 7:45 pm after the days ordeal,thats probably the EARLIEST ive ever slept the whole year!But anyway,the effort was all worth it in the end.
3.DANDENONG RANGERS (The class i was assigned to for morning session) is undoubtedly the BEST class ive ever been a part of (And also the loudest)!!! I was like so super-hyped and supportive of my class la (Cheh wah~)
Im such a horrible assistant teacher because me and the other helpers (Emily,Cindy,Jocelyn and Edward) sort of corrupted the students (Std 5&6) into happy-go-lucky singing bouncing kiddies! =D If you were there,you would notice that our class would be moving around the church compound happily singing loudly to some Sunday School church song or even worse...the SPONGEBOB theme song!! hahaha~
Im really happy for my class la,i could feel we all stuck together and did all the activities as a team,especially during recreation when we competed with the BONDI SURFERS (The other Std5&6 class,Samanthas class XD) and we all cheered and celebrated everytime we won against them,the teamwork was there.And everytime we won,we would sing our ''theme song'' which is basically some Sunday School song we learnt of on the 1st day.If you were there,you wouldve probably heard my class singing it PLENTY of times!
How did we get hooked on it?
Well it all started on the 1st day of VBS when the 1st lessons began,everyone was still geting accustomed to each other and there was an unsettling tension that threatened to make the class a total bore-fest,i could see it,one of my students was branding the whole thing LAME. XD When Cindy sang the song at first,it looked embaressingly like a completely lame attempt to entertain the kids,i could remember the looks on their faces:Full of total sesatness and ''OMG this is so lame''ness.The teachers and i were clapping our hands and singing hopelessly in vain (At that moment),if you were there id forgive you for feeling sorry for us,it was that bad.
Fortunately,with Gods blessing,me and the helpers turned things upside-down.Somehow we broke the ice and the whole class got hooked on the song and from there onwards,we really had fun as a team the whole VBS through. =D
4.The kids love me!! One even tried to hit me ''there'',he succeeded,but dont worry people,ill still be celebrating fathers day! HAHAHA~ I dont get why young boys,like to annoy and hit older ones...
5.The students really opened up after we ''broke the ice''.The best part was,SEVEN of them accepted Christ through VBS,im really glad God has blessed our efforts in it.The big majority of my class are already church-goers.
6.There's a kid in my class also named Joel,its funny how the boys always prefer the ''big'' Joel sitting with them rather than the ''small'' Joel.X)
7.Okay now on to RECREATION in the afternoon session,even then too,ive met new friends and had lotsa fun.The water games were the best,had so much fun bullying friends and students with water guns,but they bullied me badly too =P I was soaked so badly~
The BEST part was on Friday when i TOTALLY SOAKED Sue Mae and blasted my water gun at her!!~ Muahahahah lol.
Other casualties include:Julian,Yumey,Joseph,Zhi Xian,Felicia,Joshua Van Buerle and many more~
8.Its fun to watch kids having fun,cant help but reflect on my own childhood =)
9.The girl dancers in worship session were pretty cute! =X
10.Speaking of dancing,i had trouble remembering the dance routines even on the last day of VBS,tsktsk
I really loved my time in VBS,learnt so much in matter of 5 days,God has truly shown me alot! X) Someday,in the near future,id really wanna just go to places like India,Cambodia or Nepal and just helpout and spread the good news.Hope that day comes!
So now to find things to do to kill off the final days of 2009,there will be some things i want to reflect on till then.Cya friends!